Thicker Than Blood II: Consequence / by Izdehar Afyouni

Curated by Izdehar Afyouni

  • 26 September at 18:00–23:30 at The Flying Dutchman (156 Wells Way, SE5 7SY London, United Kingdom). One night only.

Thicker Than Blood is a conceptual live art show and performance evening that explores the ethical and policy implications of racial and genetic profiling.

Entrance to the event is free, with a donation policy; a small sample of your blood. Your experience of the evening will be determined by the worth of your blood. 

Featuring new work by Jessica Worden, Izdehar Afyouni, Victoria Suvoroff, Venus Raven, Katy Connor, Bethany Carter and Ellie English.




Zero Landscape by

Katy Connor (Bristol)

Zero Landscape explores the interplay of vast and microscopic, through a series of 2D and 3D print works that reflect on the mediation of global and interior landscapes. Zero Landscape places sculptural objects in dialogue with large-scale prints that consider the body's spatial positioning by both medical and geo-locational technologies.
The works presented here are all derived from the same digital source: a digital scan of the artist's blood made with an Atomic Force Microscope. 

Jessica Worden (London)

Performing 'Seen'

Radiation poisoning. Disappearing bodies. Violent traces. A piece on objectification, the everyday violence of invisibility and strategies for survival.

Izzy Diga (London)

Izdehar Afyouni is an artist and curator. Her current work is concerned with the action-perception mismach in institutional narratives of the body-as-a-tool and the codification of self-harm as a category of behaviour. 


Ellie English (London)

This body of work pushes at the boundary lines between the public and the private, invites us to interact with the banality of the everyday natural world, and acts as a catalyst for self exploration. 

Bethany Carter(Brighton)

Performing 'Paper-ception'

Connected in the space are two women desperately trying to hold onto their identity. Using the medium of yellow wallpaper, we embody and explore the non-physical boundaries of mental illness.  

Victoria Suvoroff (Brighton)

A fleshy inquiry into the functionality and aesthetics of our 'apparatus'

Venus A. Raven (Greece)

Venus is a merciless hyperpredator whose goddamn visa to the US was declined. She's pissed off and she's not pulling any fucking punches with this performance.  

Driving, relentless soundtrack by Miss Wanna (London)- Techno goddess and founder of Livenowsleeplater